Episode 4: How Do I Introduce the Bible to Children?

We want to impart to our children just how important it is to study God’s Word, to listen to what He says, to be as David said, “hiding it in our hearts.” We want them to have the same love for God’s Word and the same vibrancy in their faith that we have. So how can we introduce the Bible to our children? Let’s go….

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Top 3 Spiritual Questions Kids Ask: #3 - "What happens after I die?"

Kori & Meredith wrap up week 3 in a June mini-series covering the top 3 spiritual questions kids ask. So far we’ve answered the questions “Where do I come from?” and “What’s my purpose?” Today Kori & Meredith will discuss “What happens after I die?” This question – along with everything we need for life and godly living – is answered in Scripture!

How to Create a God-Honoring Home

Every home gives off a certain feeling when you walk into it — and most people want their homes to feel peaceful and inviting. So, how can we be intentional about creating a God-honoring home? In this blog, we outline a few ideas to help bring your faith to life inside the walls of your home.

Faith Bracelet

As Christ-followers, we should proudly show our faith to others! It’s important to talk to your kids about ways they can show others that they believe in God. One way is to make a Faith

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7