The Bible2School CBA Cross Resource

We LOVE to share the Gospel with children, and we make it fun and easy! At Bible2School, we teach the Gospel message through the CBAs — confess, believe, ask — our child-friendly version of this good news! It gives children the opportunity to confess their sins, express their belief in Jesus Christ, and ask Him to be in their life forever. We intentionally talk about the CBAs throughout the year in our programs, and children are invited to accept or affirm their belief, with no pressure.

We love sharing this amazing resource so that parents and caretakers can easily share the Gospel with children. Click the button below and we’ll send you the Bible2School CBA Cross in printable form!

Get the CBA Cross

How to Use the CBA Cross

Once you’ve downloaded our CBA Cross, check out our tutorial! This short video will show you exactly how to use the CBA Cross and how to talk through the Gospel message with your children. You’ll quickly see how easy and fun it is to use, for both adults and children.

See the CBA Cross in Action

At Bible2School, we thrive on Godstories — little glimpses of God working through our ministry. Check out one of our favorite Godstories, where a young boy used the CBA Cross to lead a friend to Christ…on the school bus!

Bible2School CBA Crosses spread out on a table

Looking for More Great Resources?

We have a variety of resources designed just for you!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7