Episode 81: Mama Bear Apologetics

Let’s talk Apologetics. Do you wonder why statistics show such a high number of kids are talked out of their faith by the time they leave for college? Our guest today, Hillary Morgan Ferrer of Mama Bear Apologetics, explains this is because they were never talked into it in the first place! We can do more than lay our hands on these kids and ask the Lord to protect them from other worldviews —we can prepare them. Are the kids in your life babies or teens? Stay tuned, as today you will hear there is no age too young or old to start speaking objective and subjective truth into our children’s lives! It’s time to help the next generation know why they believe what they believe.

Ready to hear how the world is our curriculum and we as parents are the program? Let’s go…

HILLARY MORGAN FERRER is the founder of Mama Bear Apologetics®, and has a burden for providing accessible apologetics resources for busy moms. She has a master’s in biology, and her specialties are in cultural apologetics, the relationship between science and faith, and understanding the root causes of doubt.

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