Episode 14: The Good and the Bad of Our Kids’ Screen Time

Has technology taken over the kids around you? Arlene Pellicane, co-author of Screen Kids, is a mom of three children who will help us make sense of the good and bad of our kid’s screen time. Her definitions of digital vegetables and digital candy are so practical and helpful!

Ready to pick up some tools to help the child in your life make positive changes to balance screen time and grow relationships? Let’s go!

ARLENE PELLICANE is a speaker, host of the Happy Home podcast, and author of several books including Parents Rising, 31 Days to a Happy Husband and Screen Kids.

Arlene has been featured on the Today Show, Fox & Friends, the Wall Street Journal and Focus on the Family. Arlene lives in San Diego with her husband James and their three children.

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Looking for More Great Resources?

Let Bible2School, experts in engaging children with the Word of God, help equip you in sharing God with the children in your life. We have a variety of resources designed just for you.

Connecting Kids to Jesus in the Busyness of Life

Josh Straub, co-author and host of the Famous at Home book & podcast, talks about connecting kids to Jesus in the busyness of life.

An Intentional, Christ-Centered Christmas Gift Tradition

Ready for a much simpler Christmas season? Try this Christmas gift plan that will keep your gift giving purposeful and intentional — just like the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus Christ.

Easter Egg Music Shakers

We must teach children how to worship and give them the tools to cultivate a worshipful life. So, grab your leftover plastic Easter eggs and make some joyful noise with your children by making these fun Music Shakers!

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7