Looking for More Great Resources?

Let Bible2School, experts in engaging children with the Word of God, help equip you in sharing God with the children in your life. We have a variety of resources designed just for you.

The Top 3 Spiritual Questions Kids ask: #1 – "Where Do I Come From?"

Kori & Meredith start a June mini-series discussing the top 3 spiritual questions kids ask.

Navigating Faith in Public Schools

Does your child go to public school? If so, are you familiar with HOW their faith can be part of their school day? It can be confusing to know where faith and school come together. In this blog, we review what the law says and how your child can freely express their faith in public school.

Balloon Science Experiment

Following Jesus is not always easy for children, especially in today’s culture. This fun science experiment helps kids understand the question, “Who will you put first?” by creating a relevant story and a visual reminder.

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Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you…Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road…Deuteronomy 6:5-7